Solving the Life Science Insight Gap: The full scope of insights management

A photo of Lance Hill, Chief Executive Officer, Jason Smith, CTO, AI & Analytics, and Tony Page, SVP Insight Analytics
Join us for a roundtable discussion and learn how your team can harness the power of network analytics, social listening, asynchronous communication, and artificial intelligence to obtain more valuable insights, faster.

The following questions will be answered:

  1. What is the life science insight gap?
  2. How do I know if I have an insight gap problem?
  3. What can I do to close the insight gap?

Register now to watch the webinar on-demand

The full scope of insights management

More than ever, global enterprises need insights from the right experts to work effectively in a dynamic marketplace where in-person access is not assured and speed-to-market is critical. Successful worldwide companies build empires by identifying the people who matter most to their business and learning what they truly want and need.

Understanding your stakeholders—plus the ability to make accurate and fast decisions based on that understanding—is the secret to long-term success.


What Teams Need Now for Faster, Better Decisions

From concept to commercialization, key insights are critical throughout every aspect of the drug development life cycle. However, gaining these insights is becoming increasingly difficult.

Time-pressed MSLs and medical affairs professionals typically engage the same KOLs repeatedly, limiting the insights they gather. Once they’ve gained these insights, the notes and raw transcripts can take weeks to translate into actionable insights. Then, global collaboration is hindered through siloed data sets as teams keep the insights to themselves.

Life science teams are aware of this gap, but they face challenges when seeking market insights.

Clinical pharmacist, Mike Abbadessa, and The NemetzGroup consultant, Raymond Mankosi discuss closing this insight gap to generate more efficient decisions for life science companies.

Highlights included:
Live feedback from our audience on the biggest problems they face when tackling the insights gap, including a lack of internal time or getting full participation from expert stakeholders.

A hint about Within3’s new platform, which streamlines all aspects of gaining insights into one place.

Register now to watch episode 2 on-demand and learn more about insight management.